____The following are from 3 Life Drawing classes I took when I had time in my final year at University. Now I know how important they are for animation and for general drawing skills, I wish I'd made time to do more and to abuse the aspect that they were free!
I quite enjoyed them (which I really wasn't expecting to!) and was quite pleased with the results.
____The following images you may recognise as the drawings from my previous post, but edited in Photoshop using a Threshold/Stamp effect to capture just the darker features of their faces and make them almost silhouette-like.
I was experimenting with this a while back and decided to put bright, block colour backgrounds behind them, which gave them a Punk-esque feel to them. Since I had several of them, I decided to stick in a quote for each and make them collectively the Seven Sins.
____I suddenly had the urge to do some more sketches today, so I am going to do some more at present. I remembered I had a bunch of face sketches, tonal drawings and Photoshop coloured drawings too, so I thought I'd put them on here. They're all on DeviantArt though, but I haven't updated it much recently.
I think I did these over time from 2006-early 2010. All of varying detail/varying precision, but I feel they get better over time. Much bigger versions of each drawing and more can be found here.
Moving onto Photoshop-coloured drawings.. These were done as simple line sketches (some with more tone at first perhaps), and then in Photoshop had colours and tones/highlights applied.
The above was the first one I ever did, and I still believe (annoyingly) is the best one I have done so far. The tones just seem to click straight away and work much easier than the rest.
____The third project of my final uni year. This brief was very open in that the only guidance we had was to create a motion piece interpretting "The Disappearing City" in any way you wanted. I ended up reading it as something about Deforestation, although I wish I'd gone with other, more direct, ideas.
I created an advert raising awareness of deforestation, although I wish I'd concentrated more on the message at the start. Once I'd finally come up with an idea on what I could do it about, it was a rush to get the thing finished!
Overall, I actually was pleased with the style of animation most. I spent too long trying to work out how to make a nice pop-up book, which contradictingly needed more time to develop it.