Portrait Visual in Markers: picking out the differing tones in the face.
Varying faces and positions from hair magazines.
NOTE TO SELF: Edit this later. It's soo bad not having a laptop with PS AND Internet access.
Something that really inspires me is music, especially to create print/motion pieces to. In this case, I decided to take some inspirational song lyrics I've found and to make them into interesting arrangements using purely typography. Many thanks to the various typographers on DaFont for the use of their wonderful creations to aid me in mine.
More posters to follow in the future.
____An HIV awareness campaign I completed while at University never really felt completed before. I woke up one morning and suddenly had an idea of how I could tie the poster together a bit more. Click here for the original posters and developments.

I wanted to promote the 'relationship' side of the target audience more, which lead me to put the imagery into a 'coupley' photoframe with the copyline engraved onto the frame, which I think is a massive step forward from the originals and could be done in a short series of other style frames featuring other pictures. The red ribbon could even be tied to the frame and not even in the photo itself.
____A quick piece I thought of while driving home one day. I saw the 'SLOW' sign painted on the road and thought of the phrase "Slow and Steady Wins the Race". This lead me to create some simple imagery and add an informative piece to turn it into a campaign poster.

Although completed entirely in markers and fineliners, this could easily be recreated digitally, in photography or even a series of posters based around the same concept.
____This was a 48-hour project for an interview, to create a working iPhone application based on the theme 'Space'. This could be taken in any direction (eg. outer space, personal space, etc) and had to be put together on the The App Studio's special iPhone creation system.
I decided to create an outer-space estate agent, that sells property on other plants for those wanting to relocate somewhere out of this world..
There's loads of things that, given more time, would have been altered, but the ideas were there and was a lot of work for what was less than 48 hours in total (minus the sleeping).

The main button

The 'Splash' Screen for my app, followed by the main homepage, which each icon clickable to take you to that planet.
With more time, I would have made the icons larger and easier to press (average fingerprint size), and obviously with more icons, planets larger and easier to navigate.

Pluto and Moon pages.

Earth and Saturn pages.

May have had a bit of fun Photoshopping the About Us and Contact page..
Created the buttons myself using various Photoshop tools including the look as if they've been actually pressed.

I completed a small book to keep my development work together, starting with some research.

Initial ideas

Logo and Brandname ideas

Page ideas
____This self-initiated brief set the task to create a series of campaign posters, raising awareness of Skin Cancer and the dangers of sun bathing. The orignals were completed in May 2007. Right in time for summer, ho hum.
I set about trying to steer clear of what existing examples of these sort of campaigns had done previously: shock tactics. We're becoming immune to shock tactics these days, and I felt it needed an entirely different take, but I needed it to be memorable in some way and eye-catching too.
Using symbolism for people sunbathing, I ended up at bread in the toaster, getting.. well, toasted or burnt. Addorning sunglasses, etc, the little pieces of bread took on more human-like characteristics, which is where it began to work in my favour, and become eye-catching, as well as humorous, which is where I think I succeeded in avoiding shock tactics and creating an effective series of posters.
I am also very pleased to announce that my work has been shown to the Karen Clifford Skin Cancer Charity, otherwise known as 'SKCIN', and they are very keen to use the campaign in the near future.
Watch this space :)

I was even asked to Photoshop it on a fake billboard to see its effectivity.
My tutor thought I was absolutely crackers when he saw my little toast-with-sunglasses-on scribbles on my ideas page, but he seemed to love it once it was done! So much so that one of the originals resides in a frame on the wall at college :)