I decided to create an outer-space estate agent, that sells property on other plants for those wanting to relocate somewhere out of this world..
There's loads of things that, given more time, would have been altered, but the ideas were there and was a lot of work for what was less than 48 hours in total (minus the sleeping).
The main button
The 'Splash' Screen for my app, followed by the main homepage, which each icon clickable to take you to that planet.
With more time, I would have made the icons larger and easier to press (average fingerprint size), and obviously with more icons, planets larger and easier to navigate.
Pluto and Moon pages.
Earth and Saturn pages.
May have had a bit of fun Photoshopping the About Us and Contact page..
Created the buttons myself using various Photoshop tools including the look as if they've been actually pressed.
I completed a small book to keep my development work together, starting with some research.
Initial ideas
Logo and Brandname ideas
Page ideas