The originals I did at University follow, but I wanted to show the more recent remakes of this project first.
Given more time I would redo the photographs, incorperating the red ribbon into the actual photos themselves which would make them easier to Photoshop the colour. This would also give me the opportunity to experiment with where to put the ribbon, for example, tying the two holding hands together.
These are the originals I came up with in June 2008.
Again, much like picture-taking time in the Gamecity project, my friends were not amused!
(excuse my dreadful Photoshopping skills from previous, I am a little more refined these days I hope..)
I originally did the snake/poisonous textures to link to the disease being deadly, and I wanted something visual to show despite the fact saying people were unaware they had it..
*uses brain*
I recently found time to edit these posters. I loved the copyline and the fact that went with it, the imagery and the colour scheme too.. so that just left the Photoshopped imagery. I suddenly remembered how based on a striking but a simple colour palette this is, and then recalled that the HIV ribbon is red..
.. and that it can be the visual that is everyone is "unaware" of.
I admit I got influence from my own work back at college when I did the 'debt' posters in black and white, with the offending item in red!
But never the less, I feel it's a big improvement, and the snake thing probably would have offended people. Why's it on a toilet door? I figured people might need something to read..
If I had thought of this idea originally when taking the photos, I would have tied real ribbons around my photo-victims and then left them red. However, since after graduation everyone has been scattered to the edges of the Earth, I am forced to improvise with Photoshop!
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